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Homicidal Triad

             This post is to explain a term that I use in the blog I am posting directly after this one over Richard Trenton Chase...I chose to do this to not only explain what the term means, but I also liked reading about the term and wanted to share what I learned with you guys. enjoy!

            Homicidal Triad is a set of three characteristics that are associated with being a predictive indicator that a person will later show violent tendencies. A person may be considered to fall under the homicidal triad by showing all three characteristics, or a combination of just two of them, The triad links:
1.     Cruelty towards animals
2.     Obsession with starting fires [arson]
3.     Persistent bedwetting past the age of 5

Studies have shown that these specific behaviors can be linked to childhood experiences of neglect, including being abused by parents. Some psychiatrists believe that the arson and cruelty towards animals to be related to the bedwetting past the age of 5 due to children being humiliated by the act and also being ridiculed by their parents and or other adults in their lives… Causing them to take out their anger and frustration with their situation on animals or starting fires.


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